Little Five Points Atlanta
A few blocks to the south and east of the far southern reaches of the Highlands lies a neighborhood with more attitude per square acre than perhaps the rest of the city combined. Geographically dubbed Little Five Points, this conglomeration of secondhand shops, piercing parlors, funky bars and music venues sprang up around the corner from where Euclid and McLendon Avenues converge on busy Moreland Avenue. Since the designation "Five Points" was long-ago granted to the downtown train station where the five main MARTA lines come together, the five points formed by this busy east-side intersection assumed the moniker Little Five Points, or more tersely, L5P.
Touching on the old neighborhoods of Inman Park and Candler Park, much of the real estate in L5P is somewhat ironically if not surprisingly priced well beyond the range of the young rebels that flock to its commercial district. Many nicely-restored bungalows and even post-Civil War era homes line the peaceful streets nearby, including a good number of respectable bed-and-breakfasts.
Meanwhile, droves of what can best be summed up as the "alternative" crowd guard the sidewalks and street corners of the busy commercial area. Unchallenged headquarters of the local scowl crowd, you'll see a healthy cross-section of the young, rebellious, and rock-and-roll youth that Atlanta and her suburbs has to offer. An annual summer street festival brings out in crowds from all over, as natives and neighbors come out to be reminded why they prefer the more tranquil annual street festivals hosted by both Inman Park and Candler Park.